Images and Text Alternatives
Core Principles
Images must have appropriate text alternatives to be understood by all users.
Alternative Types
1. Informative Images
<!-- Image with important information -->
<img src="warning-icon.png" alt="Warning: important information" />
<!-- Image with text -->
<img src="promotion.jpg" alt="Summer sale: 50% off entire collection" />
2. Decorative Images
<!-- Purely decorative image -->
<img src="decorative-line.png" alt="" role="presentation" />
<!-- Or in CSS -->
<div class="decorative-background"></div>
3. Complex Images
<img src="data-chart.png" alt="Chart showing sales evolution" />
Detailed chart description: Sales increased by 50% between January and June, with a notable peak
in March.
Accessible SVGs
<svg role="img" aria-labelledby="chart-title chart-desc">
<title id="chart-title">Chart Title</title>
<desc id="chart-desc">Detailed chart description</desc>
<!-- SVG content -->
Best Practices
Alt Text Length
- Concise but descriptive
- Don't start with "Image of" or "Photo of"
- Focus on important information
- Adapt description to context
- Include essential information
- Avoid repetition
- Check without images
- Use screen reader
- Validate with users